Saturday, 8 January 2022

An Explanation, An Apology, and A Plan

Today, after about six months of disappearing completely from this blog, I finally took the "now updating every Wednesday" line out of the Extra Libris subtitle. While that sentence was ambitious and even true for a short period, the fact that the last post on this website was damningly dated 19 July 2021 showed quite clearly that it was no longer appropriate. So, I have taken it out, replacing it with the somewhat literal but decidedly clunkier "Books and beyond" - please expect this to change again in the near future, as soon as I can think of something even marginally better. 

This post is not about Extra Libris's subtitle, though, but rather about the more pressing issue of my unintentional hiatus. Around the time when I published my last post on here, I got accepted into a university programme, specifically a master's in literature. Since then, I've been so overwhelmed with preparation before and work during term that I have barely had time to read for pleasure, let alone write anything besides essays or presentation handouts. So in the meantime this blog has been, for lack of a better word, neglected.

I would like to now add a "BUT" and say that this is all about to change, and I am going to start posting regularly again, but (there it is) unfortunately that's not something I can promise at the moment. What I can say is that I hope to post a little bit more frequently than once every six months, which is hopefully a suitably ambitious goal for my overwhelmed brain to handle. At the very least, I am planning to write a post listing my favourite books of 2021 - something I am very much looking forward to writing. 

I have also recently set up an Instagram page as a sort of companion to this blog. Besides posting on there when I make a post on here (assuming the latter happens, of course), I would also like to make the occasional standalone Instagram post or story about books, films, or whatever I would normally write about on here. My hope is that this will be more manageable than regularly writing full blog posts; plus it means I can store all my book- and other media-related posts on a specific account, rather than bombarding my friends and family with it all on my personal account. I have already gone ahead and set up this account, although it only has a few posts so far, at @extra_libris on Instagram. Please feel free to follow the account there if you would like to see my posts or stories when I upload them.

Thank you for reading and for your continued patience with this blog! Hope to see you back here soon 😊