Monday, 24 June 2019

My Favourite Internet Things (This Week)

I'm going to keep this brief: I've seen quite a few things I liked or otherwise thought were interesting on the internet this week,* so I thought a fun thing to do would be to compile them in a blog post. This also means that I can refer my friends and family directly to this post when I want them to look at the things mentioned, rather than to all the links individually. They probably still won't look at them, but at least this way it's less labour-intensive on my end.

Taylor Swift analyses

After much internal debate, I did eventually decide not to write a bitter blog post about Taylor Swift and the "You Need to Calm Down" controversy, so instead what I'm going to do is share a couple of articles here that mirror my thoughts on the whole thing:

Miscellaneous interesting stuff

Not sure if there's a particular unifying theme among these, except that they are all things I found informative, enlightening, or just amusing.

YouTube Channels

Fun stuff

Here are some of the things that have recently been consuming my time (and preventing me from actually applying for jobs, like I should be) far more than I'd like to acknowledge.

*Okay, they're not all from this week, because I was late to the party on some of the links and also have no concept of the passage of time, but I like to think that they have aged like fine wines rather than stale hot takes.

Feel free to comment below if you have any thoughts on the links I've mentioned or suggestions of other interesting internet things to look at. Also let me know, either by commenting or messaging me directly (since I know most of you readers anyway), if you've enjoyed this post and would like this link-sharing to be a weekly/monthly/regular thing. I'll probably do it anyway, because I've decided I don't need external validation anymore, but the support is always nice.

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