Monday, 22 July 2019

My Favourite Internet Things (This Week) #4

This is the fourth instalment in what I've now decided is going to be a series: My Favourite Internet Things, in which I compile interesting/amusing things I've seen on the internet this week.

This post is going up about a week later than I originally intended, because I just got kind of overwhelmed with things and wasn't able to get it up last Sunday/Monday, and I thought it would be better to just wait a whole week after that than to put it up mid-week. But here it is! I am currently writing this with a headache that I haven't been able to shift all day, so please excuse me if this post seems a bit off. I was tempted to just leave this post again, but I really want to get into the habit of posting regularly on here and this series is a good source of encouragement for me. 

On another note, I'm trying to think of a new name for this series. I'm not particularly keen on the current name, nor am I sure it really fits with the theme of many of the links, so if you have any suggestions for alternative names, please let me know! I will be glad to steal them. Now, on to the links:

Important articles
Bookish stuff (i.e. most of these links are related to books or reading even though I didn't plan it this way)
Miscellaneous interesting things
That's all for this week. Don't forget to let me know if you have any suggestions of alternative names for this series (column? category?). If I don't receive any suggestions, I will most likely end up going with a terrible 'link'-based pun. You have been warned.

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