Monday, 12 August 2019

Link About It #6: Headphone Jacks, Capsule Wardrobes, and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

This is the sixth instalment in a series now known as Link About It, previously called My Favourite Internet Things, in which I compile interesting/amusing things I've seen on the internet this week.

So once again, I have skipped a week of these Link About It posts. I'll admit I'm kind of defeating their whole purpose by doing this, as the aim of creating a "weekly" blog series was that it would compel me to post something at least once a week - alas, it seems that not even this promise to myself was enough to overcome my own laziness when it comes to writing. Plus, at the moment all of my free time is being sucked up by this great book called The Amber Spyglass, by Philip Pullman (you may have heard of him). Anyway, before I digress further, let's get on to the links:

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
I'm currently ambivalent about giving any attention (even if it's only social media clicks) to Tarantino at the moment, since I learned about his history of mistreating women, but I have found the following analyses of his new film quite interesting:
Fashion and minimalism
Miscellaneous words and (moving) pictures

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