Sunday, 5 January 2020

New Year, New Beginnings(?): An Update on the Future of this Blog

Hello everyone! (and by everyone, I mean all three of you who actually read my posts)

I'm writing this to say that there are going to be some changes coming here soon. When I started this blog, I wanted to avoid restricting it to any particular subject. That way, I could explore writing about different topics and figure out which ones were the most enjoyable without having to worry about brand consistency or anything like that. Writing this way has mostly been great, but at this point I'd like to do something different.

From now on, I'm going to use this blog specifically to write about topics relating to media. This includes books, films, television, and so on. I feel that this is narrow enough to constitute an official theme (rather than the previous theme of "whatever I feel like writing about"), but still broad enough that I won't risk getting bored. It also has the added effect of encouraging me to read more books and watch more films, two things that I love doing but which often get set aside in favour of other stuff when I get even slightly busy.

This is not to say that I will only write about media from this point onwards. I will also continue to write about other things, just not on this blog. I've been experimenting with Medium as a platform for my writing lately, and I think I'm going to start using that for topics which don't fit into the scope of this blog. What I'm going to do regarding old posts which don't fit the theme is another question. I'm considering just leaving them up for now, but later on I may decide to take them off here and re-upload them somewhere else, or simply keep them on my computer, where their thematic inconsistency can be hidden from prying eyes.

Also, in case it wasn't obvious by now, I am not longer doing the Link About It posts on here. I realised that I wasn't really doing anything with them that I couldn't already easily and more efficiently do on my various social media accounts, so I decided to stop. However, I am open to writing a specifically media-related link round-up in the future, if anyone is interested.

This brings me to my final point: if you read this blog (hi, mum and dad) and have any thoughts on what you might like to see me write about, I'd be keen to hear it. I can't guarantee I'll do what you want me to, but it would be nice to know what sort of things people would be interested in reading.

That's all for now. Keep an eye out for more media-related content here in the near future!

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